Ah, a fresh start. Feels good right?
Get rid of all that old baggage and start a new path. Awesomeness!
A fresh start is really starting back at ZERO.
Some people get addicted to fresh starts. Failing miserably at whatever it is they continually fail at. Then finally crashing hard into the same wall they’ve crashed into over and over. Then announcing to the world that they have turned a new leaf.
Announcing a fresh start.
It’s better to call it what it is. Starting at zero.
Go directly to jail. Do not pass go.
If you continually have fresh starts you will spend your life going nowhere.
If you learn a lesson from the failure this is truly not a fresh start. You are now starting from a new place. It may feel the same. Maybe you’re single again. Maybe you’re broke again. Maybe you are sober for 1 day again. If the lesson was learned it is a completely new place. Same scenery but you look at it differently.
This then is an adjustment, not a fresh start.
You have navigated a path forward. Not hit an impassible wall.
Choose your euphemisms wisely. They can be lifelong sentences. And the key to the jail cells they build is only a few well-chosen words.