Social media is abuzz with vitriol about rape and sexual harrassment. Statistics are thrown around that clearly imply that all men are bad. And those statistics are, without a doubt, leading the narrative.
Leading the narrative with memes is a simple thing to do. The majority of the population will not dive deeper and try to understand. Our brains do not naturally do so. Our brains want ideas nicely packaged up like a big mac and fries. Grab it and go ideas.
Unfortunately, when we fail to think, we are easily controlled. And those ideas can be about as healthy as the toxic food served at the drive-through.
Not cooking? Not thinking about the toxins we shove down our throats in traffic at 60 miles per hour? Hell, we don’t even get out of our cars.
And the same goes for the ideas we quickly consume. Absorb, scroll, absorb, scroll. Speed reading at it’s finest (I’ve never been a fan of speed reading, seems counterproductive to me)
This is dangerous stuff here folks. Nothing short of mind control. And so easily down.
Let’s take a quick think and see if we can figure out what’s going on in the “all men are bad” scene.
Statistics say that most women experience sexual harassment and a large percentage have been raped. I don’t know the numbers. Just that they are reportedly large, and that is horrible.
I do agree that, as men, we have a responsibility to do something. Why? Because we are men, and men protect. That’s what it means to be a man. Despite what you are told it does not make a woman weaker if a man protects her. It simply makes her more protected. I think if you follow that logic out a bit you’ll know where the idea came from…and where, at least a part of the problem is coming from. (Yep, another meme populated idea)
Commonly men are told, “If you’d taught your sons not to rape we wouldn’t have this problem”.
I have my doubts that that is the problem.
Let’s go back to stats and numbers.
Simple thought experiment.
Let’s say we have one predatory man in 100 men. If that man sexually harasses 100 women in a year then statistically most women would have been sexually harassed. Not all because some would have not experienced it due to geography, demeanor, or other reasons. So some would have been multiple times. Over the course of a working career this would result in statistically a woman being sexually harrassed 30 times.
Now, as I said, I don’t know what the real numbers are. Does anybody really? But what I do know is that it only takes one creep and a couple memes to make all men look bad.
With the reality of this now being obvious the answer is much more simple.
As men (and women) we must
1) Teach the creeps to not be creeps (methodology can be found in any of my videos)
2) Eliminate the predators from society
Yet instead the idea that all men are bad is propagated.
Without understanding the problem the solution is impossible to see. And as usual, the real problem is being obfuscated by memethink.
And taking this just a bit further I think you can see that memethink is the reason many problems are never solved. Think before you meme.